Monday, August 13, 2007

Challenge to The Sun...2008...Lanai...Hawaii!

Aloha from Maui...Hawaii

We are Proud to announce that Castle & Cooke will be our first Customer in Hawaii, based on Lanai with their new Company, Lanai Sustainability Research L.L.C. Castle & Cooke is owned by David Murdock who also owns 98% of the Island of Lanai in Hawaii.
r. Murdock is the largest Private Land Owner / Farmer in the World and owns land in 72 countries around the World.

It is their goal to make the Island of Lanai Energy Independent by the Year 2015. They are building their new Solar Photovoltaic Farm which will be the Fourth Largest in the US and the Largest in Hawaii. This will give us the first truly 100% Carbon Free Footprint in Hawaii for Zero Emission Transportation.

In 2008 we will sponsor our Race-to-the Sun on Lanai between the Four Seasons, Lanai at Manele Bay Resort...

To their Four Seasons Lodge at Koele Resort...These are Two of the Top-Ten Island Resorts in the World...ask Bill Gates...He chose it for His Wedding Site...

We will be racing our SUT and SUV which we believe will have the ability to travel back and forth, up and down the Mountain Without an Outside Fuel Source for at least 5 days or 200 miles which may make us eligible for part of the X - A PRIZE...Longest distance Traveled without refueling...except by Regenerative Braking...a First Ever!

Front Wheel Drive Pulls You Up the Mountain Quickly...

Our SUT will Keep on Going & Going & Going for 5 days or 200 Miles

.....................without an Outside Fuel Source...

Can Your Truck Do That...Phoenix Motorcars Can..."Imagination on Wheels"...2008!

This is a Trademark of Phoenix Motorcars

Maui Energy Group L.L.C.

"Imagination on Wheels"TM


Anonymous said...

"We will be racing our SUT and SUV which we believe will have the ability to travel back and forth, up and down the Mountain Without Recharging for at least 10 days or 1000 miles. . ."

I don't believe it. It doesn't make any sense. Nobody has a 1000-mile BEV, and most especially nobody has one that can go up-and-down a mountain for 1000 miles.

From what I know of the Phoenix SUV and SUT, it would be hard pressed to achieve 80 miles under those conditions.

Pacific Energy Technologies said...

Aloha Tony:

Thank you for your commits. Yes, we can and please invite any other Company to participate in this Exciting Event. We know that it will not be Detroit, but they can bring their $1,000,000 Hydrogen Fuel Cell Cars for Show!

The Phoenix Motorcar’s Altairnano Nanosafe Batteries have Regenerative Breaking…Charging when not using energy as it moves. This feature allow us to Fully Charge our Vehicles going down the Mountain on Lanai…we will be Fully Charged when we return to the Four Seasons Lanai at Manele Bay Resort...

Is this the Beginning of Perpetual Motion…?

We will do this for 1,000+ miles over a ten-day period of time, without an Outside Fuel Source and still be Fully Charged at the end of this time.

Remember that Phoenix Motorcars have announced that Generation 2.0 Vehicles, Batteries, Software Management Systems, and New Proprietary Electric Motors for 2008.

It is our planning to have this audited and verified by The Department of Energy, The US Air Force, Sandia National Laboratories, The National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and other outside agencies…Marty from Maui

Anonymous said...

Have you heard from Shai Agassi's group?

Do you think he is on the right track with battery swapping?

Pacific Energy Technologies said...

Aloha Marketquant:

Thank you for your interest.

Shai Agassi's Group is bringing attention to our Industry, but is not being real at this time.

We will Swap Battery Packs...but this is designed for when you want to trade to a New Phoenix Motorcar i.e. when you have an SUV for the family and now want an SUT (Sport Utility Truck).

Our Battery Packs have a projected life span of 20 years…now doing over 20,000 charges and discharges in testing…with a recharge time of 10 minutes and a Range of over 200 miles ( new 2.0 batteries ) why would you need to change Battery Packs for a simple Charge?

Marty from Maui